Amazon Valid Tracking Rate (VTR): What your business needs to know

Published: Apr 29, 2022


What is the Amazon VTR?

The Amazon Valid Tracking Rate (VTR) measures how often your business uses an Amazon verified carrier, service and tracking number when shipping orders.

Amazon states in their FAQs that once a shipment has had a delivery scan event from the carrier, shipments will be considered to have valid tracking information and will then have a positive impact on your VTR.

When is the Amazon VTR coming into effect?

Amazon will start tracking your business’s Valid Tracking Rate (VTR) from 19 April 2021. The VTR will then be measured over 30 days, although you should already see your VTR in your Amazon account.

What shipments count towards my Amazon VTR?

  • VTR applies to Seller Fulfilled orders. Therefore, Amazon FBA orders won’t be included in the VTR
  • The VTR applies to domestic (UK to the UK) shipments on orders placed through
  • Cross-border shipments -  if you are a UK based seller shipping to customers in the EU, you are not required to provide tracking information unless you are using a tracked service.
  • Orders shipped on non-tracked services won’t be counted toward your Valid Tracking Rate.

What is the target Amazon VTR?

Amazon requires you to reach and maintain a Valid Tracking Rate (VTR) of 95%.

It’s worth noting that your VTR will be measured at a product category level, so if you sell across multiple categories, each product category has its own VTR.

Which carriers are compliant with the Amazon VTR?

Amazon lists the verified carriers here: Which carriers provide tracking information to Amazon?

Where can I view my Amazon VTR?

To view your Amazon VTR, you will first need to log in to your Amazon seller account, then:

  1. From the Performance menu select Account Health.
  2. Locate Delivery Performance section and click on view details.
  3. You can see your VALID VTR Metric here.

To see orders and shipments that have not counted or not positively affected your Amazon VTR, once logged into your Amazon account:

  1. Click on Download Report in the Delivery Performance section.
  2. Filter by Carrier and/or product category.
  3. Please allow 72 hours for the report and metric to reflect any updates.

Can Zenstores help my business to achieve a positive Amazon VTR?

Yes, when shipping from Zenstores, all carrier, service and tracking information will be uploaded to Amazon in line with their specifications.

Below we have outlined how this works:

Shipping from Zenstores with an Amazon approved carrier on a tracked service?

When Amazon orders are marked as Dispatched, Zenstores will upload all the carrier, service and tracking information required by Amazon.

Shipping from Zenstores with an Amazon approved carrier on an untracked service?

Orders sent on an untracked service should not affect your Amazon VTR. When an order shipped on an untracked service is marked as Dispatched, Zenstores uploads the information Amazon requires to tell this.

If shipments sent on an untracked service are affecting your VTR, you should get in contact with Amazon.

Shipping from Zenstores and using Royal Mail 24®/48®?

If you use Royal Mail 24®/48® to deliver your packages, then Zenstores uploads the unique parcel ID as required by Amazon.

Shipping with a carrier that isn’t approved by Amazon?

Almost all carriers Zenstores integrate with are approved by Amazon, but if the carrier your business uses is not, when marking shipments as Dispatched Zenstores will upload Other, then the carrier, service and tracking number. This is in line with Amazon’s specifications.

If the carrier you ship with is not on the approved list, we recommend contacting your account manager to see if they request to be added.

Shipping using the Zenstores - Amazon Merchant Fulfillment integration?

Zenstores will upload all the required information when shipments are created.

More information about the Amazon VTR

Amazon VTR: Shipping from Zenstores - What you need to know!

Most information on this page relevant to the Amazon has been sourced from these two pages on Amazon Seller Central:

Amazon Valid Tracking Rate information page

Amazon VTR FAQs