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Ecommerce news: eBay and PayPal sign agreement

ecommerce news: ebay paypal agreement

PayPal available on eBay until 2023

eBay and PayPal have signed an agreement to offer PayPal as a payment option on eBay until July 2023. From 2020 eBay will be using Adyen to offer an intermediated payments service, moving away from PayPal, however this agreement ensures buyers will be able to continue using PayPal until at least 2023.

“We are pleased to continue to offer PayPal as a form of payment on eBay and look forward to a continued, strong partnership with PayPal going forward. PayPal has been a great partner for eBay, and as part of our new payments experience PayPal will continue to be a key form of payment for our global customers. We are pleased to continue to offer PayPal as a form of payment on eBay and look forward to a continued, strong partnership with PayPal going forward.”
– Devin Wenig, president and CEO, eBay

Etsy listing update: more specific categories

Etsy has made it easier for sellers to add their listings to the most relevant categories. Now, when you add a new listing or update an existing listing, you can search all of Etsy’s listing categories to find the most specific and accurate one.

You’ll be able to select the most specific term from the list and Etsy will automatically include all the relevant categories associated with it. You’ll also see suggestions based on the categories that you frequently use.

Read the full announcement about the new category search tool here

Amazon FBA Return Reimbursements missing VAT

Amazon sellers using Amazon VAT Calculation Services have reported missing VAT on FBA return reimbursements. The problem has been occurring for FBA users: they receive a return request and the sale money is taken out of their seller account but then the return isn’t completed and Amazon reimburses you the sale price its net of VAT.

If you’re using Amazon VAT Calculation Services and have returns that were reimbursed then you should check for the missing VAT. Read more about FBA return reimbursements missing VAT here.

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